Richmond . Va June 24
My Dear Mother
I seat myself once more
to let you no how I am
geting along I am well
and I hope that when
yor these line reaches you and
the rest of the family
in good health ma I
would have ritten to
you long Ago but
I have not had time
to do any thing and
in the mud from
one to two foot deep
I am to tired to rite
to you now but I
no you are uneasy
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about me on the
30 of may there was
heavy Cannon ading all
day and on the next
day we started out
and went up there
and the Closer we
got plainer the muskets
roared and that
day and till 12 oclock
that night and
then our Brigade
Gen. Pryons marched
in to the lines to
be ready by day light
the next morning
there are three Regt
in our Brigade the
14th Louisana and the
14th Alabama and the
8th Alabama the
yankees attacked us
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the next day about
8 oclock the morn
ing and we whiped
them so bad that
we run them and got
possesion of there Camps
and after we got
them beat back 1 mile
from there Camps they
reinforsed and attacked
us again in the the
swamp and we
whiped them again
and then we was
relieved then about
2 oclock that Evening
and then our Brigade
marched back into
the yankees Camp
and the genl told
us to get what
we wanted we all
[page 4]
as much coffee and
sugar & pork and
beans and Crackers
and any thing that
we wanted to eat
and got as many
Clothes shoes and
just any thing that
you Call for we
got as many guns
and ammunition and
Cartridge boxes and
Commisary Stores
as we Could move
to Richmond the
battle was about 8
miles from richmond
Ma tell Jim that
when he goes in A
battle to be Cool and not
get excited the balls whisale
all around me Ma you
must rite to me as soon
as you get this so Nothing
more at present
Robert Williams
to his Mother