
Title Given Family Unit Rank
Jonathan Fuller Coghill Jonathan Coghill Company G, 23rd NC Infantry Private to Corporal
Joseph W. Coghill Joseph Coghill Company G, 23rd NC Infantry Private
Kinchin W. Coghill Kinchin Coghill Company G, 23rd NC Infantry Corporal to Private
James Norphlet Coghill James Coghill Company G, 23rd NC Infantry Private
Ann Coghill Ann Coghill
James O. Coghill James Coghill
Ann E. Coghill Ann Coghill
Benjamin Cohee Benjamin Cohee 12th Indiana Infantry (Co. H) Private
Elizabeth Cohee Elizabeth Cohee
Selena Colby Selena Colby
Isaac B. Coleman Isaac Coleman Co. I, 30th Alabama Infantry drummer
Nancy Coleman Nancy Coleman
Martha Coletrane Martha Coletrane
M. J. Coley M. Coley
John C. Collins John Collins Co. G, 56th Virginia Infantry Private
Hiram Hill Collins Hiram Collins Private McLendon’s Battery, Mississippi Light Artillery
L. A. Collins L. Collins
Mary A. Collins Mary Collins
Stephen M. Collis Stephen Collis
John W. Compton John Compton Co. B, 74th Pennsylvania Infantry private
Naomi Compton Naomi Compton
Mary Jane Compton Mary Compton
Margaret Compton Margaret Compton
William F. Condrey William Condrey
Robert T. Conley Robert Conley Company F, Thomas' NC Legion (69th NC Inf.) Lieutenant

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

eHistory was founded at the University of Georgia in 2011 by historians Claudio Saunt and Stephen Berry

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