

Mushcreek febuary 9 1862
Dear children i take my pen
this morning to see if i can rite you
a few lines it is Sutch ahard task for
me to rite we are all well this mor
ning hoping these few lines may find
you all enjoying the same blessing
william i received them nedels and
pins which i am thankful to you for
we havent got any letters sense
pearson come home
william i am verry glad you can pat[c]h
your pants and darn your socks
John i want to now if you can patch
yourn pants and darn your socks
washington Nancy and rosseelee is [1]
well your pa was down ther yester
day we herd Nancy got three letters
and went to see we was verry glad to here you
was all well
[page 2]
to day is Sunday your pa is gone to
tiger to preaching to see carel dill
to heare from you frances and Mary and
emily and thornton is all gone to meeting
to day william you and John out
to of bin here this morning to see all
these big boys elford dill lem
boswell and John baily and thronton
i recken tha thout tha was grown
martha baily went and frances
boswell and Mary dill it is
a cloudy cold day tha hasent bin
more than two or three fare
daye in two weeks
John i will send you a pare of pants
and two shirts by mr holtsclaw
the shirts are white i cant get
nothing to die with but bark and
that onte die without copers
copars is a haf dollar a pound
[page 3]
William i have cloth like John
to make you pants and shirts
and you too Washington if you want
them i want to no how your socks
holes out so ican be aprepareing more
berry hall and will hall was here
little over two weeks a go berry sed he
was agoing to herry back with a load of
apples and was agoing to send you some
you pa has got six negroes hired
one of them is a womon but she dont now
nothing about worke in the house
another one is a boy about eight years
old the rest two men and two boys
nearly grown and glass pearson
besides [?] boys your horses look toller
able well tha are not cured like if [2]
you was at home i must quit for
i see them coming from meeting
Ann Neves to William and
John and G Washington Neves
[page 4]
Feb 10th It is snowing this morning
it is the first snow that has bin this winter
William I forgot to tell you that your
old sweetheart was married in my letter
yesterday Emily Richards was married last
thursday night to Dave Waldrip she had
a very bad day it rained all day
John Mary has bin w[r]iting to you about
old powel she just wrote that to try to
pleage me becaus I pleage her about fawl
ing off so much yesterday you need not beleive
one word of it Mike Whitmire came home
dead the other day he was engaged to be married
to Martha Roberson he was in the Greenville
regment Washington I saw Mrs Staten yesterday
she sed that Carel Dill started with a letter
but he had lost it I must quit writing
for I am so cold that I cant write
write as soon as you get this all of
you yours truly Frances Neves
To W P Neves J P Neves G W Neve
write soon

  1. Nancy was Washington’s wife
  2. curried
February 9, 1862


Residence (County): 
Greenville County, SC
Name Variant: 
Residence (County): 
Greenville County, SC


Co. A (later Co. H), 3rd Battalion, Palmetto Light Artillery
Second Lieutenant
Residence (County): 
Greenville County, SC
Co. A (later Co. H), 3rd Battalion, Palmetto Light Artillery
Residence (County): 
Greenville County, SC
Co. A (later Co. H), 3rd Battalion, Palmetto Light Artillery
Residence (County): 
Greenville County, SC


From State: 
South Carolina
From County: 
From Note: 
Mush Creek

Transcription/Proofing Info

Michael Ellis
Transcription Date: 
March, 2013
Michael Ellis
Proof Date: 
March, 2013

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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