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Title Author Recipient Datesort descending From To Collection
Quinn1 Catherine Strickland , Sarah J. Hollingsworth Mary A. Holland September 17, 1860 NC NC Sally G. Quinn Papers, 1850 (1860-1864) 1927
Harding2 Thomas G. Harding William A. Blount September 17, 1860 Beaufort County, NC Thomas G. Harding Letters
Quinn1 Catherine Strickland , Sarah J. Hollingsworth Mary A. Holland September 17, 1860 NC NC Sally G. Quinn Papers, 1850 (1860-1864) 1927
Harding3 Thomas G. Harding William A. Blount September 28, 1860 Beaufort County, NC Thomas G. Harding Letters
Williams-Womble1 John Hust , Sidney Hust Hust , Jane Hust December 6, 1860 George A. Williams Letters
Williams-Womble1 John Hust , Sidney Hust Hust , Jane Hust December 6, 1860 George A. Williams Letters
Williams-Womble1 John Hust , Sidney Hust Hust , Jane Hust December 6, 1860 George A. Williams Letters
Williams-Womble1 John Hust , Sidney Hust Hust , Jane Hust December 6, 1860 George A. Williams Letters
Foust2 Charles Wesley Foust David Foust December 14, 1860 Jefferson County, AL Shelby County, AL Charles Wesley Foust Letters
Quinn2 Catherine Strickland , Sarah J. Hollingsworth Mary A. Holland December 21, 1860 Duplin County, NC NC Sally G. Quinn Papers, 1850 (1860-1864) 1927
Quinn2 Catherine Strickland , Sarah J. Hollingsworth Mary A. Holland December 21, 1860 Duplin County, NC NC Sally G. Quinn Papers, 1850 (1860-1864) 1927
Honnoll11 John N. Dale Sarah Jane Honnoll January 3, 1861 Fernandina, FL Monroe County, MS Honnoll Family Papers
Blackington1 Lyman D. Blackington Hannah Blackington , Keziah Blackington January 11, 1861 North Attleboro, MA Lyman and Jacob Blackington Papers
Blackington1 Lyman D. Blackington Hannah Blackington , Keziah Blackington January 11, 1861 North Attleboro, MA Lyman and Jacob Blackington Papers
Buford1 Susan A. Buntin Louisa L. Clark , Fannie Buford February 3, 1861 Oakland, Yalobusha County, MS Attalaville, Attala County, MS Buford and Clark Letters
Buford1 Susan A. Buntin Louisa L. Clark , Fannie Buford February 3, 1861 Oakland, Yalobusha County, MS Attalaville, Attala County, MS Buford and Clark Letters
Buford2 John W. Clark Louisa L. Clark February 15, 1861 Florence, Lauderdale County, AL Attalaville, Attala County, MS Buford and Clark Letters
Hunter3 Mark Womack Jr. Pinson Calvin Hunter February 28, 1861 Hohenlinden, Choctaw County, MS Hunter Family Letters
Barkley1 William Pleasant Traynham John B.O. Barkley March 11, 1861 Laurens County, SC Barkley Family Letters, 1861-1864
Fisher3 L. Lawson Houk Lavinia Fisher March 12, 1861 Burke County, NC Chatham County, NC Fisher Family Papers
Quinn3 M. D. Kennedy Dear Friend March 15, 1861 Sally G. Quinn Papers, 1850 (1860-1864) 1927
Fisher4 James Fisher Amanda Fisher March 29, 1861 Chatham County, NC Fisher Family Papers
Patton1 George P. Bird John B. Patton April 5, 1861 Wake County, NC Patton Family Letters, 1860-1864
Mobley1 C. A. Eliott Alexander Mobley April 14, 1861 Burke County, GA Benjamin L. Mobley Papers, 1861-1891
Barlow1 Joseph Barlow Ellen Barlow April 17, 1861 Boston, MA Newburyport, Essex County, MA Joseph Barlow Collection

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    University of Georgia
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